Steam hoses

Rubber steam hoses – general information
Rubber steam hoses are made of best rubber compounds (EPDM mainly) reinforced with textile or steel braid (or cord) depending on the working pressure. These hoses are designed for saturated steam with a maximum working pressure ranging from 6 up to 18 bar, maximum temperature from 160 °C up to 210°C, and in some cases for superheated steam up to 232°C. When used for hot water, the temperature of water must not exceed 90 – 100°C. Both superheated steam and hot water have more destructive impact on the hose, even at lower pressure and temperature, than constant operation in a saturated steam application.
The rubber steam hoses are used in various industrial steam heating systems, process steam systems and for steam cleaning. The hoses can only be safely used if mounted with special steam fittings.
Hose selection
While selecting a hose for a steam system, first determine its operating conditions:
- maximum working pressure and temperature of steam
- type of steam: wet saturated steam, dry saturated steam, superheated steam;
- whether the hose will be subject to sudden pressure surges;
- whether the hose will be subject to bending while working under pressure;
- whether the hose will be continuously or periodically used; whether the handling will be manual;
- what are the environmental conditions; risk of mechanical damage; whether there are any spills or condensation of aggressive chemicals or oils that may damage the outer layer of the hose;
The hose intended for steam should be properly marked on the cover.
Always follow the general guidelines for the installation of flexible hoses given in “Technical information” in the catalogue. Always check, if connections (hose fittings) are designed for steam. Tubes International recommends using special fittings designed for steam, mounted with steam safety clamps which are bolted together on the hose. With these clamps the connection can be retightened. When mounting the fittings, follow the instructions concerning selection and assembly provided by the supplier. The bolts of safety clamps must be retightened on a regular basis. Make sure the bolts are tight before each steam system start-up.
Avoid excessive bending of the hose near the end connections.
Storage, maintenance and periodic inspection of a steam hose
Store the hose properly when not in use. Use a suitable rack or a pallet to reduce the risk of hose damage during storage. Do not hang the hose on a hook, nail or any other device which may cause puncture or damage the hose.
Maintenance and periodic inspection of a steam hose
All rubber steam hoses wear out over time. Therefore, continuous monitoring of the condition of the hose is very important to ensure that there is no wear and tear preventing further safe use. The operators must pay attention to:
- blisters and rubber lumps;
- cracks exposing the braid;
- steam leaks at the couplings or in any other spot along the hose;
- flattening or kinks that may cause damage to the hose;
- decrease in steam flow rates indicating the swollen internal layer;
If any of the above occurs, the hose must be removed from service immediately. That hose must be thoroughly inspected before putting it back into service. Damage to steam hoses most often occurs at their ends, where they are exposed to excessive bending and deformation.
If such damage occurs, cut the fitting off and mount it again. The hoses continuously used at high temperature and pressure should be periodically inspected for hardening of the internal layer. In most cases, it is necessary to remove the end connections to perform the inspection.
Safety instructions
Carry out a risk analysis of working around hoses and a steam or hot water system. Operators must wear suitable work clothing, covering the entire body, including gloves, rubber shoes and eye protection. The clothing is to protect the body from burns in the event of direct exposure to steam or hot water. Always make sure that the working area is free of hazards and tidy. Consider the temperature of the external surface of hoses or pipes. Use insulation in places where contact with their hot surface is possible, to avoid burns. Make sure the couplings are tight before each system start-up. Never leave the hose under pressure when the system is not running. This shortens the service life of the steam hose.
- Rubber Steam hoses
- Steam hoses
- Steam hoses acc. to EN ISO 6134
- FDA steam hose
- Steam hoses FDA