
Accessories and Valve Adaptors

Product ID
Accessories and Valve Adaptors

MMC also offers an assortment of additional gauging and sampling accessories such as pressure gauges for inert gas measurement, custom-made sounding bobs and rods, gas sampling hoses, gas sampling heads, tank bottom and zone samplers.

Custom-made sample bottle attachments are available for use with MMC’s unique “gas-tight” product sampling system. Users seeking to meet the sensitive requirements of “Reid Vapor Pressure” measurements can replace MMC’s standard 1-liter sampling bottle with a more appropriate container of their choice, or use a custom-made sample bottle and adaptor.

In addition, special adaptor barrels are available to convert other makers’ vapor-control valves in a manner that allows those valves to be used with MMC closed or restricted tank gauging and sounding equipment. All adaptor barrels are constructed and factory tested to insure that no change to an existing ZERO ULLAGE REFERENCE will occur when reading cargo level with the supplied adaptor.